About Me




Hi, I am Carla Kent with Knock Knock It’s Me! Just a simple country girl from TEXAS. Throughout my life, I have had joy, heartache, and many life lessons.

We have all been in a place in our lives where we just needed revision and redirection. Aww, that breath of fresh air - and by the GRACE Of GOD, I have made it through many circumstances that life has thrown at me.

The last 8 years have been good and not so good to me…. From my Mom going into a coma in 2015, learning how to walk and talk again at the age of 79. To my Dad age 84, diagnosed with prostate and bladder cancer. This all happened the same year within months apart. I went from being their daughter, to their full-time caregiver overnight. And later, in Feb. of 2017 - I lost my dear Husband due to heart complications.

Going though these tragedies, I have learned many things.

There is no guarantee of a tomorrow on this earth. I have found so much strength - that I never knew I had. Found out the hard way - who my true friends are. Have chosen to focus on gratitude, and my purpose in this life. I love more deeply and reminded daily- how precious life is. And most important, my relationship with the Lord has grown tremendously - Incredibly grateful for so many blessings.

Several years ago, around Christmas, my elderly parents received a gift on their front porch. Christmas stockings that were full of everything you could imagine! They could not believe someone would be so nice. Both said repeatedly, " We haven't been forgotten and we are still loved

That right there - stuck with me. How could my parents (who are loved so much) feel like they have been forgotten? How can such a simple gift lift their spirits so much?  Well, it Did! THAT GIFT MADE THEM FEEL SO LOVED, AND APPRECIATED!  Sometimes, we all get so busy in our lives and don’t realize the impact of such a small gesture. The older generation can teach us so much if we just stop, pay attention, and LISTEN!!! I honestly miss the old days where people really Cared for one another.

That unforgettable day is where the idea for this business came from. My Dad and I talked about some ideas and put our plan together. We wanted to put a smile on as many Seniors, as well as others to let them know they are LOVED. Unfortunately, he passed in May of 2021, and never got to see our plans in ACTION!  My Mom passed about a year later in Sept. 2022. I know they are looking down from HEAVEN and very HAPPY  that I am moving forward with our idea.

Having a background in design, being a business owner, and having gone through some difficult life changes, has given me a clear vision of who I am, and what I want to do to make a difference in people’s lives. With my son Brandon's encouragement, I've decided to follow the plans and ideas that were formed on that unforgettable day.   

Both my parents were very kind, giving, creative, and business driven.  Always putting others first and dedicated their life to serving the Lord.

My Dad’s MOTTO:

“Remember, when you think you want to give up - Don’t !  Put your faith in the Lord and you will be amazed at what you are actually capable of.”

In honor and in loving memory of my Daddy – Lawrence Victor Kennon, my Mama - Doris Ann Finke Kennon – and late husband - James John Kent.

I love and miss you all so much!

Always remember, SHARE the LOVE, and Sprinkle KINDNESS like CONFETTI!

Blessings to all,

Carla Marie Kent